June 17 2015 : midterm evaluation of CHDP in Attapeu

ProvinceGouverner_Esther                   Slightly after halftime of the community health development program in Attapeu province our team invited authorities of the health department together with representatives of other political authorities to a midterm evaluation ceremony. About 25 people followed this invitation, among them the governor of Attapeu province. Without exception the delegates passed on a very positive feedback to our team for the work done over the past 1.5 years. At the same time they spurred each other to follow SFE’s great example and continue the second half of this project in a common enthusiastic spirit to the benefit of the 13 project villages in need. Big thanks were granted to our local SFE team as well as our expats Esther Rauen and David Mallow; Esther will leave Laos at the end of this year after serving people in Southern Laos for six years – a truly remarkable service that will leave its traces! SFE_team presentation