A dam collapsed the evening of July 23rd in the Attapeu province of Laos. This catastrophe took place in the district of Sanamxi,a district beside Cambodia. Situated west of the provincial capital, this district is the first one where SFE worked in that province, apart from the provincial hospital where it began it’s action.
The flooding touched 7 villages and has affected about 12 000 people.
The first help is carried out and directed by state services.
SFE and other NGO’s are going to be involved in the immediate future helping out of thousands of families who have lost everything. We are asking for specific gifts for this urgent action which will be on going for several months, making it possible for SFE to make it’s contribution to those who have lost all.
With the rainy season, the survivors themselves are in a situation of extreme vulnerability. Our teams have decided to support the aide efforts and to accompany the authorities to go and help out on the sites of the catastrophe and to provide necessary equipment (water filters, mosquito nets, camping stoves, etc.) in the coming days.
A few photos of the evacuation of the dam.
Localisation of the 2 principal villages impacted: